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The First Tech. Challenge

The First Tech. Challenge (FTC) grew out of the existing FIRST Robotics Competition and the IFI Robovation platform. FirtstRadioShack, and Innovation First collaborated to devlope an improved version of the IFI Robovation kit. The kit was significally upgraded and called the VEX Robotics Design System. For the 2008 season Pitso developed a platform that uses the NXT brick along with additional hardware and a new structural framework under the new name of TETRIX. Using aluminum parts that will allow participiants to add Lego parts and sensors, the kit includes 4 DC motors and larger wheels. In addition to the hardware changes, the system may now be programmed using ROBOTC and LabVIEW.


In 2005 -06, First piolted the First Vex Challenge as a potential progra. The pilot season brought together over 130 teams to compete in 6 regional tournaments in a 1/3 scale FIRST Frenzy: Raising the Bar. Fifty teams participated in the FVC tournament at the First Championship in April, 2006. on April 29, 2006 the FIRST Board of Directors voted to extend FVC for the 2006-07 season.

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